Common remora

Common remora
museum specimen, dorsal view
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Echeneidae
Genus: Remora
Species: R. remora
Binomial name
Remora remora
(Linnaeus, 1758)

The common remora, Remora remora, is a pelagic marine fish[1] belonging to family Echeneidae. Remora remora is different from other remoras in the family Echeneidae by the modification of its dorsal fin.[2] The dorsal fin, which has 22 to 26 soft rays, acts like a suction cup, creating a vacuum[3] that allows it to attach to larger marine animals such as whales, dolphins, sharks and sea turtles.[4]


Physical characteristics

The common remora has a suckerlike dorsal fin and an anal fin. Its body can be brown, black or grey in color.[5]

Biology and behavior

Remora remora and its host seem to partake in a symbiotic relationship; the common remora does not seem to have a negative effect on its host. The host provides the remora with fast moving water to bathe its gills, a steady flow of food, transportation, and protection.[6] The common remora's attachment to one host can last for up to 3 months.[7] During this time, the remora can move its attachment site if it feels threatened.[8] The common remora cannot survive in still water; it needs water flow over its gills to provide it oxygen.


This remora is commonly found in warm marine waters and have been seen in the Western Mediterranean, the Atlantic, as well as the North Sea.


It has been suggested that a mating couple may attach to the same host, and have host fidelity.[9] It is not clear when during the year the common remora spawns, and little else is known about the fish's reproductive behavior.

Food and diet

The remora consumes food scraps from its host, as well as plankton and parasitic copepods.

Significance to humans

There are no known negative impacts for humans. Remoras can be caught as fishing bycatch and put in aquaria.[10] Remoras have been used in fishing. Humans may attach fishing line to the remora and waiting for it to cling to a larger fish.[11]


  1. ^ Leao, Mark; Kimberly Schulz (editor) (2002). "Remora remora (on-line)". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2009-06-02. 
  2. ^ Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Volume 2, D-F1. Simon Asher Levin, Editor in Chief. San Francisco, CA: Academic Press, 2001. Pg. 770
  3. ^ Fishes of the World, 3rd edition. Joseph S. Nelson. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1994. Pg. 351
  4. ^ Neotropical ichthyology: Turtle riders: remoras on marine turtles in Southwest Atlantic by Ivan Sazima & Alice Grossman
  5. ^ Smith's Sea Fishes, 6th edition. Edited by Margaret M. Smith and Phillip C. Heemstra. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1986. Pg. 662
  6. ^ Marine Mammal Science: Sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) on a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) and a review of other cetacean-remora associations by D. Fertl Marine Mammal Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1999
  7. ^ Neotropical ichthyology: Fishes associated with spinner dolphins at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, tropical Western Atlantic: an update and overview by Ivan Sazima Accepted Nov. 2006
  8. ^ Whale suckers on Spinner Dolphins: An underwater view by Jose Martins Silva-Jr and Ivan Sazima. Biodiversity records, online Feb. 11, 2006
  9. ^ Whalesuckers and A Spinner Dolphin Bonded for Weeks: Does Host Fidelity Pay Off? By Jose Martin Silvas-Jr and Ivan Sazima. Accepted 24 October 2003
  10. ^ Grizmek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd edition. Volume 5, Fishes 11, edited by Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney, Paul V. Loiselle, and Neil Schlager. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2003. Pg. 216
  11. ^ Fishes, Ascidians, Etc. Volume 7. Edited by Sir S.F. Harmer and Sir A.E. Shipley. London: McMillan and Co., Limited. 1932. Pg. 691